A. Used fire to do controlled burns
The result of controlled burns were highly beneficial to both the Aborigines and the environment. The burnt remains of the burns were very fertile and encouraged the growth of new vegetation that would not have been able to flourish if the older growth had not been removed. The removal of old vegetation also resulted in a low chance of wild fires. Further more new vegetation was able to attract wildlife to graze, making hunting easier.
The concept of controlled burns is still used today and was/is also practiced by First Nations in North America.
Electronic industry is composed of organization involved in the manufacture, design and development, assembly, and servicing of electronic equipment and components. They offer a wide variety of products that have only one thing in common, they all depend upon electronic technology to operate.
Uso de vehículos eléctricos y evitar el uso de combustibles fósiles.
Para preservar los bajos niveles de contaminación y mejorar la calidad del aire alcanzada en la cuarentena, reduzca el uso de combustibles fósiles que se utilizan para la producción de energía, industrias y vehículos. Los vehículos producen la mayor cantidad de dispositivos de dióxido de carbono que causa la contaminación del aire. Durante el cierre, hay menos cantidad de contaminación porque hay menos vehículos en las carreteras. Deberíamos utilizar vehículos que funcionen con electricidad porque no produce contaminación y, por lo tanto, se mejorará la calidad del aire.
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