It really depends on what you're using it for such as looking up a recipe or an answer to a question. If you're using it for illegal purposes or looking up things that are seen as morally wrong by other people it can make the internet seem like a bad thing. But the internet wasn't created with that intended purpose so again it's just your own personal opinion.
Clicking a menu opens a drop-down list of commands and options. According to Merriam dictionary, menu is defined as a list of things that you can choose from ; especially computers or a list shown on a computer from which you make choices to control what the computer does.
Based on the name of the function, it seems that we're supposed to only print the value of quantity to the console.
def show_value(quantity):
The first line of code creates the function, the second line of code prints the value of quantity to the console, and the last line of code calls our show_value function with 12 as our argument. I wrote my code in python 3.8. I hope this helps.
answer is Set of information gathered together
Roman numerals are V for 5, X for 10, L for 50, C for 100, D for 500, and M for 1,000.
Recall that some numbers are formed by using a kind of subtraction of one Roman “digit”; for example, IV is 4 produced as V minus I, XL is 40, CM is 900, and so on.
A few sample years: MCM is 1900, MCML is 1950, MCMLX is 1960, MCMXL is 1940, MCMLXXXIX is 1989.
(Hints: Use division and mod.)
Assume the year is between 1000 and 3000.