C. Israel captured Jerusalem, a holy city to both Jews and Muslims.
During the War, the Israeli managed to capture the West Bank which was controlled by Jordan at the time. This included Jerusalem, that is, East Jerusalem where the old city is which contains numerous holy buildings for both sides.
key characteristic of the Renaissance was the development of linear perspective, which completely changed the art that was created during this period. This allowed a new style to be used in paintings and frescoes, which predominantly focused on the aspects of realism. Does this answer your question?
On the last days of his presidency, Congress passed the joint resolution to annex Texas, the Republic of Texas voted to accept the annexation on June 23rd. On March 1st, the last day of his presidency, President Tyler signed the Joint Resolution for Texas Annexation.
Economic stability
Economic stability refers to abscence of excessive flactuationsin the macroeconomy.
planting of crops led to food security without food human life cannot be sustained hence other products cannot be produced.surplus production of crpos led to development of civilization which led to a stable economy because farmers could earn income from their products A stable economy later leads to political stabilty .
British rule
Although the options are not included in this question, India's movement for independence among nationalists started in the 1800s as a reaction to British rule. The British Raj was the rule of the Indian subcontinent by the British from 1858 to 1947, the year in which Indian independence was achieved. Although this rule brought some benefits to India, it also brought significant oppression, as well as the exploitation of India's people and natural resources.