For people to stop littering the first step is.. (then add on what you think.)
Example: For people to stop littering the first step is to tell people how it effects our community and the wild life.
Example 2: The first step for people to stop littering is to show an example about what could happen to the world, it could cause diseases towards animals but also to people as well.
Hope this helps :)
The answer is: C. The next day
A machine that can help people with PTSD and help them calm thair nerves and get rid of thair PTSD.
It would look like a light bar that customizes trucks. It has blue or turquoise lights that slowley play back and forth. A therpist would ask qusitions that first focous on what they had PTSD from and then they would ask nice calm qusitions that would be like what do you enjoy doing. If it works right then people would loose thair PTSD resultng in less deaths per year.