These benefits included forgiveness of debts and interest payments, protection of property and family, even different courts of justice for those crusaders who commit criminal acts.
This just means that it is the place where patriots started to rebel and take back Boston.
New England town meetings and the establishment of the Virginia house of burgesses represented the first efforts to create the American unity against the abuses of the British Empire. It was the organization of angry feelings against the lack or representatives, given that they only accepted being taxed by their own elected representatives. Those new establishments represented the weakening of the connecting between colonies and the Mother country (UK).
<span>Most states choose a bicameral
legislature rather than a unicameral legislature because the objective to balance
the power of the common people with that of the wealthy and well-educated is
clearly evident. Bicameral legislature has a government with two lawmaking
houses which are the Senate and the House of Representatives. Having a bicameral
legislature gives the citizens some advantages. One is, this is applicable in
federal states. This means that if the units are not equal in size or
population, there is a chamber which will give balance to that inequality. It is
in the second chamber that all states are equally represented irrespective of
their size or population. Second, after
the bill has been passed in the first chamber, it will then proceed to the
second for them to have a second look. When the second chamber finds that something
is not right, it will go back to the first chamber for it to be corrected
before it will continue to become a law. Another advantage is that a bicameral
kind of government prevents dictatorship to rule. One chamber will check if everything
is still on track. The bicameral
government also shows that since people with diverse backgrounds, experience
and expertise are allowed to serve in the second chamber, the opportunity is
open to a wide range of people to take part in the government. </span>
suspicion of germanys autocratic government <3 apex