b. last winter we bought a snow blower.
Articles refer to a type of adjective, they demonstrate which noun is the subject of the sentence talking about. There are two types of articles: definite and indefinite articles. The second type direct to noun more generally. The indefinite articles are a or an. The an is used before singular count nouns beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or vowel sound.
The indefinite articles are used when the reader does not know about a noun( place, person or thing) that is referring to. In an example, the readers do not know which type of snow blower is or any specifics about it.
Answer: Capulet does not know that Juliet is actually alive.
Dramatic irony occurs when the audience knows something that the characters of a narrative are unaware of. In this case, the lines are an example of dramatic irony because Capulet believes Juliet to be dead. However, the audience knows that Juliet has taken a potion that makes her appear dead, but that, in fact, she is alive and plans to escape with Romeo.
Answer: Motor Functions and/or the Hippocampus
the answer is a little more complicated than that because the people who work for them have been working hard