Vegetable: celery, Spinach, Eggplant
Meats: Meatballs,chicken,Fish,Steak
Fruits:pineapple, watermelon,
Juice: OJ
Extras :Magazine, Breadcrumbs,flour,paper towels,cookies, sandwich,toilet paper,fries,chips,
This Is how I write out my grocery list hopefully this helps you
The sentence in which the subject and the verb agree is:
Some of Meredith's poems make me laugh.
In English we must pay attention to the subject in order to choose the correct form of the verb that refers to it. If the subject is plural, the verb must be in its plural form. But if it's singular, the verb must be altered in accordance, especially if it is the third person of speech (he, she, or it). Let's take a look at the sentences:
1. Nothing taste as good as my dad's five-alarm chili. --> "taste" refers to "nothing". Since "nothing" is third-person singular, the correct conjugation would be "tastes".
2. Most of the group's music are playing on the radio. --> "are" refers to "most", but "most" refers to "music", which is uncountable. For that reason, "most" needs a singular verb. The correct form would be "is".
3. Several of those coats is on sale this week. --> "is" refers to "several". "Several" implies that there are many of something, and it refers to "coats", which is clearly plural. The correct form would be "are".
4. Some of Meredith's poems make me laugh. --> This is the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement. "Some" refers to "poems", which is a countable noun in its plural form. Thus, the verb "make" is correct.
"Ain’t this the living gall!"
"They don't do it like that anymore."
"Lord, Lord, Lord . . ."
These are the three options that develop the idea that racially charged confrontations can have a sudden and unpleasant impact. In the first case, the phrase "Ain’t this the living gall!" describes Ruth's reaction at facing this type of confrontation. She is amazed at seeing the lengths people will go to in order to avoid relationships with black people. The phrase "They don't do it like that anymore" describes how conflicts between white and black people have changed, but continue to be present. Finally, the phrase "Lord, Lord, Lord . . ." describes Mama's reaction at the awareness of being involved in this sort of conflict.