The total amount of a product available in a market at a given price is called the supply.
There are a lot of factors that affect supply such as the price of the product, price of similar goods in the market, price of inputs, and the number of suppliers.
Pass a law requiring parties to hold a direct primary.
Zhou dynasty came into power in China after defeating the Shang Dynasty in 1050 BCE.
Zhou Dynasty came into power after winning the Battle of Muye. Zhou Dynasty rules China through the idea of the Mandate of Heaven.
Zhou Dynasty would keep customs and traditions from the Shang Dynasty to show the continuity of the old things to gain trust and maintain peace in the kingdom.
If Zhou Dynasty introduces new customs and rituals, there would have been rebels in small regions encouraged and stimulated by other lords for their interests that would lead toward independence of the empire.
To bring stability, without any conflict with old and new customs and traditions, the Zhou thought to keep it by following by previous predecessors.
The arts of the Zhou were a repetition of those of the Shang dynasty. Bronze craftsmanship widely seen in various shapes, and decoration in ornaments, jars, etc.
<em><u>General William T. Sherman's "March to the Sea" was important to the Union war effort because important railroad tracks were destroyed, severing supply lines for Confederate forces.
<u>Further Explanation:-
Between the period of November 15 to December 21 in the year 1864, Union general William T. Sherman led around 60,000 soldiers to a march which was 285 miles long which begun from Atlanta and ended in Savannah in Georgia. The idea behind this march was to frighten the population of Georgia as they wanted people of Georgia to abandon the confederate cause. The soldiers from Sherman’s army did not destroy any of the towns which came in their way to Georgia but instead, they stole food as well as livestock of the people and burned their houses and also killed people who tried to fight back. The military which was led by German Sherman captured Atlanta and that was considered an important win for their movement as during that period of time Atlanta was considered as a Railroad hub along with that it was known as an industrial center. Sherman believed that the railroads of Atlanta provided material and support to the Confederate troops and in order to stop this supply his army destroyed railroad lines.
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1. how does a writ of habeas corpus safeguard individual freedom?<u>
2. why was roe v. wade a controversial case?<u>
3. which of the following events occurred on the Italian mainland as allied forces moved across the island of Sicily during the summer of 1943?<u>
Answer Details
Grade – High School
Subject – History
Chapter – March to Sea
<u>Keywords </u>– March to Sea, General, William T. Sherman, Confederate troops, Railroads, Georgia, Livestock, Food Supplies, Atlanta, Killings.
no it should not be feared because it is just.a form of government. Nothing to it but that. Just a government.