<span>In sentence construction, a sentence must naturally have a subject and a
predicate. IN the sentences above, the most logical sentence where the verb
agrees with the subject is letter B with the sentence: Every soup and salad
cost less than five dollars. The subject here is the ‘soup and salad’ while the
predicate is ‘cost less than five dollars’. In cases like the sentence A: My
friend and her mother laughs at all my jokes. ‘friend and mother’ were supposed
to be the subjects however, the verb agreed to another subject at the end of
the sentence which is ‘all my jokes’. </span>
“His honor…” Oxymoron
“He was a gay dog…” Metaphor
“Well, after a long time…” Onomatopoeia
“She was a curious woman…” Hyperbole
If it had to be the same answer the beginning because you don't introduce characters in the middle or end!!!
If it can be different then conflict would be middle and characters would be begging because a conflict is most likely to be in the middle: the most action packed part of the book.
Sentence A is correctly punctuated.
For the other answer choices, a question mark shouldn't be placed.
Most of the time, you'll want affect as a verb meaning to influence something and effect for the something that was influenced. The difference between affect and effect is so slippery that people have started using "impact" as a verb instead. Don't be one of them!