The answers are :
JPEG - Compresses well without losing quality, it should be used for the web
TIFF - Can be saved in an uncompressed file format with a high resolution, it is a common file format used for professional print services
BMP - Can be saved in a compressed or uncompressed file format, It is a common file format used for either web or print
<span>FLV or SWF - Used to publish a rendered video for use on the web</span>
After you use the create sequence statement to create a sequence, you can use the NEXTVAL pseudo column to get the next value in the sequence.
<h3 /><h3>How do you create a sequence?</h3>
- You must have the Create any sequence system privilege to create a sequence in another user's schema.
- Specify the schema that will hold the sequence.
- If you leave out schema, Oracle Database will create the sequence in your own schema. Name the sequence that will be created.
- Pseudo-columns allow selection, but you cannot edit, update, or remove their values.
- A pseudo-column is analogous to a function that does not accept any inputs. This section goes over the two pseudo-columns, CURRVAL and NEXTVAL.
- A pseudo column is a "column" that displays a value when a value is selected but is not one of the table's true columns.
- Two examples are SysDate and RowID. It is frequently used in tandem with the DUAL table.
- After you utilize the make sequence statement to make a sequence, you can utilize the NEXTVAL pseudo column to obtain the next value in the sequence.
To learn more about NEXTVAL, refer to:
You did not specified the language, so I did my program in python.
Hope it helps!!!
c. A company's ability to acquire small amounts of capital for spending on innovative ideas every two years.
theSum = 0.0#defined in the question.
count=0 #modified code and it is used to intialize the value to count.
data = input("Enter a number: ") #defined in the question.
while data != "": #defined in the question.
number = float(data) #defined in the question.
theSum += number #defined in the question.
data = input("Enter the next number or press enter to quit ") #defined in the question "only some part is modified"
count=count+1#modified code and it is used to count the input to print the average.
print("The sum is", theSum)#defined in the question.
print("The average is", theSum/count) #modified code and it is used to print the average value.
- If the user inputs as 1,4 then the sum is 5 and the average is 2.5.
- The above code is written in the python language, in which some part of the code is taken from the question and some are added.
- The question has a code that tells the sum, but that code is not print the average value of the user input value.
- To find the average, some codes are added, in which one count variable which is initialized at the starting of the program and gets increased by 1, when the user gives the value.
- Then that count divides the sum to print the average.