European people and Native American people began interacting when the European powers took an interest in exploring and colonizing the region. As European settlements in North America increased, so did contact between these two groups. However, the relationship that was established between them changed greatly throughout the years.
Initially, the first European settlers depended on the Native Americans heavily. Native American people had better knowledge of the land, the weather, the local crops and the many other challenges that existed in the region. European settlers greatly benefitted from this knowledge. Therefore, the initial relationship between these people was one of cooperation.
As time passed, the interactions between the two groups grew. As the European settlements developed, both groups engaged in complex exchanges and commercial transactions. This led to more cooperation, but also increased conflict between them.
As conflict increased, the Native Americans began to suffer more. Lands were taken away from them, and many were displaced. Moreover, they were killed in great numbers through war and disease. This made the interaction between the two groups more negative.
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Most people never got a chance to learn the fates of their loved ones. The first step in the reunification of East and West Germany was uniting their economies.