The meeting at Yalta is one of the most considerable step towards change that came from ww2. Three leaders, (F.D.R, Josef Stallone, and Winston Churchill) divided up the central powers and distributed the central powers' assets among themselves and there allies. another, more positive change was the United States, through the needs drawn out from the war, dragged itself completely out of the depression. Business was again booming and the United States government received plenty of money from the war effort and the spoils from it. Also, the United States made a world changing statement that she was the world's most powerful nation.
A steamboat is a boat propelled by <em>steam</em>. In the 19th century, steamboat was widely used on rivers, especially on the Mississipi and its tributaries. Inicially they worked only on lakes and rivers, but later the <em>steam</em> was also applied to larger vessels that crossed oceans. The building of canals was very important for the economy in the United States, by reducing the prices of transportation of products from or to distant places.
Answer B. People began to build canals in the USA and Europe.
If a society decides to produce housing,for example,should it be the kind of housing that is wanted by ow-income workers, middle-income professional people, or the very rich?