Emigrate means to leave one's country to live in another. Immigrate is to come into another country to live permanently. Migrate is to move, like birds in the winter. The choice between emigrate, immigrate, and migrate depends on the sentence's point of view.
4/6 divided by 2/6 is 2.
you multiply the 4/6 by 6/2 to get 24/12. You then simplify it and get 2 as your answer.
It will fall betwenn the square root of 169 which is 13 and 196 is 14
Step-by-step explanation:
It is conjectured that the Mandelbrot set is locally connected. This famous conjecture is known as MLC (for Mandelbrot locally connected). By the work of Adrien Douady and John H. Hubbard, this conjecture would result in a simple abstract "pinched disk" model of the Mandelbrot set. In particular, it would imply the important hyperbolicity conjecture mentioned above.
The work of Jean-Christophe Yoccoz established local connectivity of the Mandelbrot set at all finitely renormalizable parameters; that is, roughly speaking those contained only in finitely many small Mandelbrot copies.[19] Since then, local connectivity has been proved at many other points of {\displaystyle M}M, but the full conjecture is still open.