(mature) I just took the quiz!
250 words is not an essay, but I got you. I'd break up the paragraphs a bit and change some of my wording to sound like you.
It's exactly 250 words.
Showing up to school late is something that all students have to deal with. Sometimes mornings don't go as planned among the nearly endless possibilities of what could happen. Being a student has its stressors and hurdles. Some teachers like to assign hours of homework with little thought of the students' schedules. In order for a student to get all of that homework done from their numerous classes, they have to stay up late. When students are forced to stay up late and are groggy in the mornings. Some students may miss their alarms or just choose to sleep in because they are extra tired.
Another reason why some students may come late to school is that they had difficulty getting there. Some mornings don't go as we planned them and this is an example of that. A lot of students have to take the school bus to school. If a student is tired one morning or misplaced an assignment, it takes them more time to get out the door. With this extra time spent inside, they are likely to miss the bus. If a student misses the bus they may have to have their parents drive them- after they wait for them to get ready. Some students may be forced to walk to school if they miss the bus or if their parents are busy. Students face a lot of difficulties going from home to school each day. These are some reasons why students show up to school late.
B. It supports the myth by providing real facts about the custom of antelope hunting by the Kiowas.
Immediately options C and D should be eliminated. In the excerpt there is no mention of teepees or winter so these are not valid answers. This leaves option A and B. The difference between the two is that Option A says the description is from a personal point of view. A personal point of view should be written in first person with the pronouns I, me, my. The excerpt is written from third person point of view so it is not option A.
Pantomime is a performance where actors using gestures and actions to imply meanings.
d the flamingos would seem more threatening
Mob is a word with a negative connotation like "mob mentality".