Answer: The people are a big and present part of the Highway Transportation System, it's everywhere and also one that present more risks, accidents are caused all the time only because you didn't check your mirrors or didn't stop in the right time or simply didn't give enought attention to the school signs. All these accidents can be avoided by simply following the basic of traffic laws and paying attention where you are and all the signs that were given by you. Signs, traffic light, walking crossing road and stop signs are there to protect the driver and the pedester, respecting it, you avoid a lot of danger
Your putting the bikers in danger by putting them on the side of the road. Also, the bikers might not be experienced bikers. You don't know who is inside the car and if they have a bad record, so they can easily hit the bikers. 600 to 800 bikers die each year because of cars.
Music written on the staff is divided into sections called "measures.” “Bar lines” show ... In 4/4 time a whole note gets FOUR beats; a half note gets TWO beats, and a ... 18. what do the following time signatures mean? HH6. - beats to ... Practice: Count the beats out loud while clapping the rhythm of the notes. | clap clap cla
Well art is a way to express your self so if people are critiques about it then they may not understand it. So if I were in there shoes I'd feel kinda wouldn't care because it's my artwork about my emotions :) hope I helped ya