Hey I have read this a while ago so unfortunately I cannot give you detailed textual evidences. However I can give you some original written ideas.
Basically Brutus uses pure logic in his speech in order to modify his act of murdering his friend. He does take blame and also proves his nobility by saying (or repeating) that he loved Caesar. His speech concludes to Brutus not having sufficient impact on his listeners (at least less than that of Antony). Brutus can indeed be classified as a noble man, as he leaves the place and allows Antony to have his regards paid towards Julius Caesar.
Antony however makes use of numerous emotional gestures, along with expressions in order to awaken the attention of wrong done towards Caesar. He initiates his speech with saying that he can barely talk due to his grief. He further supports his arguments by saying that Caesar was innocent and a noble and well mannered man as well.
Although you have not put in the texts necessary for this question to be answered, we can say that the purpose and the audience present whether a text should be structured and provide details in a more academic and technical way, or more simple and accessible by different people.
The writing of Jon Winthrop and Jonathan Edwards has different structures and details, due to their purposes and the audience they want to reach with the writing.
This must be established by any writer, because when it is desired to reach a more mature audience academically and a member of a specific class within society, a more complex text must be established, with technical or specific terms and stimulate the reasoning and discussion of that audience . On the other hand, when the goal is to attract a more immature audience academically, a simpler text should be structured, with details that cover factors that make up the full understanding of this audience.
The main reason why Franz Kafka, before his death, instructed his friend Max Brod to destroy all his unpublished manuscripts was because he didn't want his unfinished work to be read.
<span>Abigail Adams in her letter to John Adams, described the conditions of Boston after the British withdraw from the city by mentioning that 'm</span><span>any buildings have been burned to the ground and will have to be rebuilt.' This has been a result of the continuous firing of cannons the city experienced which also kept the citizens awake. </span>
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