Answer: first one "she makes mold of her own tongue."
You are never going to hear that in daily bases and you really have to like want you to do that
The lady and the shopper
On a single beautiful Friday morning, I was running the cash register at my job, "Billy's Grocery Store." I had just got done scanning a huge load of groceries from a expecting mother and a tired looking father. It looks like they bought out the whole pastry section! But who am I to judge, because I did the same thing when my son was born! But then the next customer was a little man, and he had just got his groceries scanned and was heading to pay. He couldn't find his charge card anywhere and was repeatedly saying over and over how sorry he was for holding up the line. So I did the only reasonable thing. I pulled out my own charge card and payed for his little basket of baked goods, and medications. He was so surprised, and he explained that this was for his wife who is really sick. He went out to get her meds, and he decided to buy her some snacks to make her feel better. I think this was the best day at my job ever, helping people always puts a smile on my face! :)
Explanation: no pandadimc in a fantasy
Answer: The malicious boy
Explanation: The subject is the naming part. It tells you WHO the sentenced is about. When you read the sentence, ask yourself "WHO is this sentence about?" The person or thing the sentence is about the SUBJECT.
Human Nature
Despite our best efforts, our conclusions about others are often nothing more than speculative convictions. We know less than we think we do about the motives, impulses, and objectives of our fellow man.