Humans are in no way more important than the rest of the other creations in the universe. This is so because both humans and other living beings must enjoy the same right to life and freedom, which are essential for the balance of life systems on the planet and the peaceful coexistence between species.
No specific situation gives humans any power or superiority over the rest of the species, other than the very nature of each living being and the food relationships between species. Thus, man has certain animals and vegetables for his food, as other animals do among themselves, but in no way does this imply another type of superiority at a general level.
Furthermore, the protection of the diversity of species and living beings is necessary for the conservation of biological stability in the universe, which ultimately contributes to the well-being and quality of life of all species.
Thinking in this way can be positive if awareness is raised regarding this situation and positive actions are promoted that generate respect for the life of species and biological diversity.
Answer: Chasing stars can be defined as being overtly "happy". Feeling an excitement.
identifying important words and phrases
If you identify critical words and phrases, you can essentially narrow down what you want to speak about in your summary as those critical words and phrases carry a heavy weight and highlight the overall theme of the plot.
They didn't want the Jews to run away and hide in cities.
Signs That Your Essay is Well Done
Good sign#1: Address the main question in the introduction. Let's start with an introduction paragraph. ...
Good sign#2: Stay focused on the topic
Good sign #3: Use quotes correctly.
Good sign #4: You use formal academic language.
Also-How do you know that you've written or read a great essay?
The essay flows well from one paragraph to the other
Read your essay out loud.
You shouldn't stumble over words or phrases when you read your essay out loud.
If you do stumble, look at your sentence structure and word choices, and revise the bumpy places.
Read your essay out loud again to double-check it's okay.