Primary colors (red, blue and yellow) and the base of all colors, at least two of the three colors are present in every single color. secondary colors are the colors they make up. like red and yellow makes orange or blue and yellow makes green.
Thirty-three years ago, Nintendo debuted a video game that wiped out its competitors like a green turtle shell wiping out a string of Goombas.
In case you didn't get the reference, it's from "Super Mario Bros.," which was released in Japan on September 13, 1985. The game went on sale in North America later that year and it quickly became one of the most popular video games of all-time, eventually selling over 40 million copies for the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
hoped this helped
Islam, confucianism, and shintoism.
finally someone posting stuff like this
have a good day and also baby cow/rare brown koala/ fluffy milk horse