D: modern technology
Modern technology was usually imported from other countries and was not a domestic resource to Africa.
The answer is true bc earthquakes are caused by seismic waves in the earth and that happen all over the world.
El Niño is a natural event that periodically weakens the
western surface of ocean currents in the equatorial pacific ocean. In an El Niño,
the wind that pushes water around (which keeps the east warm and west cold)
gets weaker making the ocean warmer, changing the air temperature and precipitation patterns in the United States.
Most developed countries experience a slower economic growth
compared the developing counties. Economic growth is very different from the
economic development. Development will elevate the people from the low standards
of living to proper employment which has suitable housing while growth does not
consider natural resources that will lead to pollution, diseases and
congestion. Development on the other hand is concerned with sustainability
meaning that it is meeting the needs of the present without compromising the future