The text highlights exciting events to keep the reader’s attention.
The text indicates that the story is moving toward a key event in the text.
"Animal farm" is a fable written by George Orwell that features a time when animals on a farm, feeling overwhelmed by human exploitation, decide to take control of the farm and drive humans out of the farm. This fable was a satire of the Russian revolution and international politics.
The excerpt from "Animal farm" shown in the question above, presents a narration with a very fast pace where it shows the reader something extremely peculiar and exciting, which is the moment when the pigs inform that they learned to read. This catches the reader's attention, as it causes the feeling that something out of the ordinary is happening. This excerpt also presents the movement of the story, as it stimulates the feeling that the text is reaching a key moment in the narrative, which is the perception that, in an attempt to get rid of humans, pigs were increasingly similar to they.
B. This is a run-on statement.
"T<span>hey must rely on their advisers these advisers (Period) are members of the White House staff..."</span>
Currently, there are 538 electors, based on 435 representatives, 100 senators from the fifty states and three electors from Washington, D.C. The six states with the most electors are California (55), Texas (38), New York (29), Florida (29), Illinois (20), and Pennsylvania (20).
30 November 1835
Twain was born two weeks after Halley's Comet's closest approach in 1835; he said in 1909: I came in with Halley's Comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it. It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don't go out with Halley's Comet.
American freedom means that Americans can vote, they have religious freedom, freedom of speech, and a lot of laws that help keep the American population safe.