The yeast is no longer active, Climate conditions, too much liquid, Wrong type and amount of yeast, Not adding or using too little salt, Insufficient baking time and Wrong oven temperature.
The yeast is no longer active, Climate conditions, too much liquid, Wrong type and amount of yeast, Not adding or using too little salt, Insufficient baking time and Wrong oven temperature are the factors that could fail the process of dough rising. For rising of dough, the environmental conditions and materials that is used in dough must be present in optimum range or quantity.
In this image the bird is eating an insect off of a leaf that is easy to see whereas the insect on the other leaf is camouflaged and still alive. This helps illustrate the concept of natural selection because the camouflage insect is able to survive longer and therefore reproduce more.
D the cell mitochondria utilize cellular respiration to generate glucose that gives the flagella energy to move
3rd and 4th awnsers are correct