These values, as shown through the epic poem Beowulf, defined what a great thane must do to live the Heroic Code, and secure his place in society. Some of the most important of these values include bravery, truth, honor, loyalty and duty, hospitality and perseverance.
Walk in Their Shoes is the powerful, personal story of Jim Ziolkowski's inspiring mission to change the world one community at a time, hailed by the Dalai Lama as “an inspiring tribute to the power of compassion and education: the keys to leading a meaningful life.”
The first one, a monologue is a speech given by one character to other characters, while a soliloquy is spoken by a character who is thinking aloud. Or maybe the last one.
Answer: In bringing his monster back from the grave, Dr. Frankenstein defied divine will. In his case, it was the Christian God who was offended by the hubris of science. In the case of Prometheus, it was Zeus who grew angry when humans received a gift they should not have.