Ans 1) The approximate elevation of wonderland lake is about 5500 feet, because it lies in the vicinity of the ridge where peak are having contour values upto 6600 feet and the wonderland lake lies on the lower contour of near about 5500 feet.
Ans 2) The peak elevation of poorman hill is 6485 feet as it can easily seen in the map that the highest contour value us 6485 feet. Poorman hill is lying in this contour value.
Ans 3) It is clearly seen and observed from the map that the elevation of the poorman hill is about 6485 feet where as the elevation of the boulder creek present at the south of poorman hill is less than 6000 feet. Thus poorman hill has higher elevation as compared to bank of boulder creek.
I might be wrong, but I am pretty sure that the Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico. Hope I helped!!!
Geology in everyday life is not restricted to resources. It is also about hazards and risk associated with rock falls, radon, landslides, quick clay, landslides and earthquakes. ... Geology helps us understand climate change in the past, which may help us predict future scenarios