The good answer is:
2. to glorify the leaders of the Christian church .
Why? Cathedrals were usually massive and impressive. A cathedral was usually the seat of a diocese, which was head by a bishop. Those big churches had special ecclesiastical and administrative purposes within the church.
About 55 miles, i hope this helped!
Because it cannot control the mischief of factions
James Madison was against the tenets of democracy. He rather advocated for a republican government. He described democracy as a system where a small number of citizens assemble and administer the government in person. He believed that democracy cannot control the mischiefs of factions because of the localized way in which the government was run. He believed that the government was too close to the people and that democracy struggled for equality which he believed was for the selfish interests of the ruling democrats.
He said that a faction consisted of individuals who were united in some goals that were adverse to the rights of citizens. Too much liberty would fan the flames of faction, and that was what democracy did according to him.
One of the implied powers that the president has, is to veto a law by using explicitly granted by the Constitution of the United States.
I do not think that my community should be sovereign. A sovereign state is represented by one centralized government. If every state was represented by one centralized government I believe it could cause chaos. The government could support states that they wanted to and ignore states that they thought less of. Every citizens needs couldn’t possibly be met because it is impossible for one president or one small group of people to govern millions. It would simply be overwhelming and chaotic, at least in my opinion.