C. More people have moved to urban areas.
I would say a natural disaster like a forest fire that could kill trees that are their homes. A forest fire could kill the trees and also the cones they eat for food and thus destroy their habitat and also a source of food and the branches they use to travel from one tree to another in the upper stories of the forest.
Conocimientos, creencias y valores, arte, leyes, educación, gastronomía, vestimenta, tradiciones, costumbres y toda clase de habilidades y hábitos adquiridos por los seres humanos, en tanto miembros de una sociedad en particular.
La cultura es un proceso en el cual interactúan formando un todo coherente, una serie de elementos, así como los mencionados arriba.
“Natural law, in philosophy, a system of right or justice held to be common to all humans and derived from nature rather than from the rules of society, or positive law.”