c. a difference in the subject matters of operas X and Y
All factors could directly explain the fact that opera Y generated far greater net profits that did opera X except for this one. Although the subject matter might have some impact on sales, it could not do so in a direct way. It could only do so if we take other factors into account, such as the cost of producing a particular opera or the interest that people have on an opera (which results in greater or lesser ticket sales).
I believe it's the marketing mix?
X bar chart is typically combined with R chart to monitor process variables. If the variables isn't under control, then control limits might be too general, which means that causes of variation that are affecting the process mean can't be pin pointed.
conflict caused by the hardware store adopting "scrambled merchandising" marketing.
Scrambled merchandising occurs when a shop sells a good that is not the usual type of products it sells. A store owner may adopt scrambled merchandising to utilise unused space or to increase bottom line.
When a store owner sells many unrelated goods it gives the buyer the impression that the seller does not specialise in a particular type of product.
The conflict in this case arises through scrambled merchandising. A hardware store starts to sell ice cream like our own business.