put what the north has and then put what the south has into their boxes and then put the ones that they both have into the both boxes
Powhanton confederacy was a group of Native American tribes, in the Virginia area. Their relationship with British settlers was not good. They thought that the British wanted to enslave them.
The British did not want to make an effort to earn anything, rather they wanted faster means of wealth and comfort. The Leader of the Powhanton confederacy tried to befriend the British by showing his hospitality through food and offerings. He invited them on events and treated them nicely to make them feel comfortable.
It changed the old social order, overthrew the monarchy completely, and the church did not have a lot control since it was under the states control. Nationalism also spread and revolutionaries set up state schools to replace religious ones. They also organized systems to help the poor, old soldiers, and war widows.
<em>It is also stated that the war chiefs will not participate in the Confederate Council, but will instead watch its progress receive and pass on warnings from people.</em>
This is a citation from <em>The Constitution of the Iroquois Nations: The Great Binding Law, Gayanashagowa</em>. This Confederation consits of five indigenous North American nations (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca).
This document was transmitted orally through centuries, and dates back to the 14th Century. It is also known as the "Great Peace" between these nations.
Matters of this Constitution consists of aspects of tribal and regional governance, social organization, rights and duties of leaders, protection of other rights, etc. It is believed that this constitution served as an influence for United States Constitution.
33% of registered voters in 2019 declared themselves affiliated with the Democratic Party.
According to the Pew Research Center, in 2019 about 33% of registered voters in the US declared themselves Democrats. The survey was conducted with 12000 voters spread across all states of the country. In the same survey it was determined that 29% of registered voters identified themselves as Republicans, while 33% declared themselves independent and without affiliation to any party.
This type of research is important to understand the voting intentions in the country and which political ideologies remain the most popular.