To write a Sonnet, First we should know some basics information about it.
A sonnet shows a single idea, but it is generally an idea that evolve and expands, with multiple facets, leading to a conclusion – and all within a very specified rhyming scheme.
There are three simple steps to write sonnet-
- Think of an idea for your sonnet.
The idea can be about your feeling, thoughts, person, favourite items etc.
- Your sonnet must rhyme in a specific pattern
Your 14 line sonnet must be written in three sets of four lines and one set of two lines.
- Your sonnet must have a metrical pattern
In this write your sonnet in iambic pentameter. That means that you must use iambus. Iambus is another word for a two-syllable foot.
you can also go through this link to know examples of sonnet
Because it takes away people's right to choose whether or not they wanna join
B because every other one of the don't have the italics or quotation marks so i am going to say B
A: ,
Use the semicolon if you have two independent clauses connected without a conjunction. Example: I have painted the house; I still need to sand the floors. Rule: Also use the semicolon when you already have commas within a sentence for smaller separations, and you need the semicolon to show bigger separations.
The correct answer is A. Nietzsche considers Socrates as the initiator of this decline, because by denying the instincts of man, denies the same life. With this, he affirms that Socrates wanted to die, that is to say, he was already tired of life and it was not Athens who condemned him to death, but it was he who gave himself the hemlock. So, at the end of his life he recognized that the only doctor is death, and being sick for a long time, addressing it is the best option.