he graph of a linear equation forms a straight line, whereas the graph for a non-linear relationship is curved. ... A non-linear relationship reflects that each unit change in the x variable will not always bring about the same change in the y variable.
Answer: The answer would be A and C
Muslims are not allowed to eat pork. Muslims are not required to fast during Ramadan unless they able to.
analysis of magnetic and seismic patters
The proof for the long-doubted idea of drifting continents came in the form of analysis of magnetic and seismic patterns understanding of mountains glacial ice animal distributions analysis of magnetic and seismic patterns.
It simply means seismic and magnetic patterns which are measured through some designated machines are instrumental in the understanding of mountain glacial ice animal distribution.
fossil record of dinosaurs
geologists used fossils, meteor rocks, and rocks to figure out that earth was 4.6 billion years old