Famous sea voyargers like Christoper Columbus and Ferdinand Mallegan were paid to go on these sea voyages to look for untouched land, new trades routes, as well as new foods, animals, or treasures. Columbus was sent out to find a trade route to India in order to buy prices and goods, but found the Americas, which the Spanish later colonized.
the answer is C. Poverty and disease persist in a sector society.
They relied heavily on trade
Historian Rayford Logan introduced the idea that the <em>nadir</em> of American race relations took place from the end of Reconstruction in 1877 until the early 20th century. What he meant was that the social and political conditions of that period, made racial tensions grow throughout the country reaching an all-time peak.
His views have been largely supported, as during those years <u>African Americans lost most civil rights they had gained in the Reconstruction</u>. The black community suffered from physical attacks, institutional segregation, and discrimination by the legal system. Alongside these outrageous conditions, a growing expression of white supremacy started to become the norm. Not only African-Americans suffered the consequences, as <u>the chinese community was also impacted by the same kind of violence</u> and institutionalized racism, culminating in the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.
Hope this helps!
What are the important geographic features of the Indian subcontinent?
deccan plateau
Eastern ghats
western ghats
indo-gangetic plain
plateau of tibet
indus river
ganges river