Lake: Hydrosphere
Meadow: Biosphere
Canyon: lithosphere
Cloud: Atmosphere
How can we answer your question if there is nothing to be answered too?
"I want a Manicure and Pedicure, fake eyelashes and a makeover." in Japanese is 「マニキュアとペディキュア、偽のまつげと変身が欲しい」and this iss how you say it Watashi wa manikyua to pedikyua, nise no matsuge to henshin ga hoshīdesu.
I am fluent in almost all languages.
Because you sometimes have to choose between something abstract and something real. One example is when you have opportunity to make your family happy for the end of their life but you have to do something highly unetical. But the moral of the story is that we, no matter what must continue to be THE MOST ETICAL VERSION OF US. We must never doubt some ethical decisions that we've made!
Aafai gara babu afai garnu parxa