i. The Peloponnesian War ended- fought between Athens and Sparta from <u>431 to 4040 B.C.</u>
ii. Athens and Sparta declined.- Athens fell with the end of the Peloponnesian War in <u>404 B.C.</u> This also affected Sparta which decisive decline was after the Battle of Leucra against Thebes in <u>371 B.C.</u>
iii. Philip II conquered Greece.
- Philip of Macedon started his campaigns over Greece in the<u> 350's B.C</u>. In the 356 B.C. he was part of the Third Social War, he conquered over the years most of Greece.
iv. Alexander III became king.
- Known as Alexander the Great, ruler of Macedonia. In <u>336 B.C.</u> his father Philip was assassinated, he became king woth only 20 years old.