The correct answer is "knowing what you spend". By using cash intead of credit card to purchase is way easier to know how much you spend. This is simple to see, in the literally meaning, because when you use cash you actually have it in your hands and know before hand the amount of what is left after spending.
hope my answer is correct tell me
In a way that cannot be controlled
I personally take my first impressions off of reviews and "word" around town. I feel that a place that has had relatively bad reviews will make me notice the places' flaws and I personally wouldn't enjoy the experience, but take this as a personal view on reviews, because I have also had my fair share of more than pleasant surprises from "poorly" rated establishments. Nonetheless I cannot stress how much I value reviews and let them be of influence my decisions.
<em>Plaintively</em> can be defined as something done in a sad or mournful way.
<em>Inquisitive</em> can be defined as curious or inquiring.
smoking is a bad habit also it will take your life
an ineffective topic sentence does not convey the main idea of the paragraph