Life is called 'life' not in the same way as a dog is called a dog or a cat is called a cat. The literal meaning of dog or cat is limited to its characteristic features, but life can not be limited to syntax and semantics. Its scope is much wider than the gamut of words
Fertile Crescent should be your answer, The earliest farmers lived in the Fertile Crescent, a region in the Middle East including modern-day Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Israel, Palestine, southeastern Turkey and western Iran.
* The Eighteenth Amendment.
* Was illegal to manufacture, sell, or transport liquors.
* Women's Christian Temperance Union.
* National Prohibition Party.
* Bargain Days.
* Prohibition was dangerous to society.
* Tainted industrial alcohol.
* Would make you'r own alcohal.
* High emorals.
* Was know lower life social field.
Vote brainliest answer
The number of degrees awarded sharply increased due to the passage of the G.I. Bill of Rights.