These four subsystems are called "spheres." Specifically, they are the "lithosphere" (land), "hydrosphere" (water), "biosphere" (living things), and "atmosphere" (air). Each of these four spheres can be further divided into sub-spheres
Aquaculture has been considered as an option to cope with the world food demand. However, criticisms have arisen around aquaculture, most of them related to the destruction of ecosystems such as mangrove forest to construct aquaculture farms, as well as the environmental impacts of the effluents on the receiving ecosystems. The inherent benefits of aquaculture such as massive food production and economical profits have led the scientific community to seek for diverse strategies to minimize the negative impacts, rather than just prohibiting the activity. Aquaculture is a possible panacea, but at present is also responsible for diverse problems related with the environmental health; however the new strategies proposed during the last decade have proven that it is possible to achieve a sustainable aquaculture, but such strategies should be supported and proclaimed by the different federal environmental agencies from all countries. Additionally there is an urgent need to improve legislation and regulation for aquaculture. Only under such scenario, aquaculture will be a sustainable practice.
Because they have the most to lose, imagine it like you have 10 towers and all collapsed from a tsunami. And the village next to you also collapses. The ten towers lost way more money and people in it then the villages
In short answer, The developed country just simply has a lot more to lose then the lesser developed one.
B. False
When writing a college letter of recommendation, one should include more than scholarly acheivements - though these are also integral parts of a letter of reccomendation. It should also include aspects of the individual as a person - things such as their potential, their skills/strenghts, what drives them, their character, and the contributions they've made to the society around them or to their own class!
<em>Hope this helped!</em>
“One thing that is poorly understood is population growth in Africa,” says William Cobbett, director of Cities Alliance . “It is thought that populations are growing mainly because of urban migration. That’s not correct. Across the continent, the bulk of population growth comes from natural population growth. Undesa figures from 1950-2050 show that in the case of Uganda – the outlier – its population in one century will multiply 20 times. That has never happened in human history.” Tanzania will grow 18 times and Nigeria 10.5.
“Most local authorities don’t have the capacity to deal with this, so there is no forward planning to make provisions for this population growth, which we know is going to happen.”
His organisation is trying to combat the mindset that you can’t plan for increased slum population, by supporting the creation of municipal development forums in a number of Ugandan cities. These are structured discussions where the local authority, local private sector companies and slum dwellers meet and deliberate about the future of the city.
Having the capacity to plan for future slum populations isn’t just a problem limited to Africa though.