Answer: Article One of the United States Constitution establishes the legislative branch of the federal government, the United States Congress. ... Article One grants Congress various enumerated powers and the ability to pass laws "necessary and proper" to carry out those powers.
I think an anti hero would be like a villain but doesn't hurt innocent people
Example: Hy hero academia
The connection is that Catholicism is the early form of Christianity and share the same God same saints and Similar bibles. The different denominations of the church were broken off from the catholic church became idiotic disputes like Martin Luther and John Wycliffe.
(A) order of events best describes the structure of the selection
Reform=political or social change
Abolition=the formal end of something, such as slavery
Strike=when the members of a union stop work as a way to pressure change
Collective bargaining =negotiations between workers and employers
Suffrage= right to vote