Frederic Sorrieu is trying to depict a Utopian vision where the World is characterized by the following:
World made up of democratic and secular Republics.
People of Europe, America, men , women of all ages and classes marching together, paying homage to the statue of liberty.
Remains of the symbols of absolutists monarchies.
Sorrieu grouped people into different nations, with their distinct flags and costumes.
US and Switzerland are leading the processions.
A female figure holding torch of enlightenment and charter of rights of the man.
He is trying to give a sense of belonging to the people, a shared collective identity through the symbols.
Basically just think of a business idea, and say why it is better than another idea, or competitors, be sure to add intro and conclusion.
This will show that your business idea has some competitive advantage.
Hypnos' brother is Thanatos, he has many other siblings though.
The answer is Violence related to slavery.