They use their land to grow cash crops
Developments in the world economy soon brought Latin America a rude awakening.Domestic expenditures had to be cut back or financed through unsupported in three major countries
During the classical era, the women's rights differed in Greek and Persian civilization such that Greek women were strictly restricted to be in the house and to just do household work or 'women' work. However, women in Persia were treated fairly and were accepted for non-household work.
Good Friday commemorates the day Jesus was crucified. In the Gospels, Jesus was arrested by royal guards in Jerusalem at the Garden of Gethsemane after he was betrayed by Judas. Jesus struggled on the cross for six hours, and according to the Bible, when he eventually gave up his spirit darkness fell across the land.
it was great because it's build on the Bosporus strait which ship have to pass through if they wanted to get from the black sea to Mediterranean sea or the opposite
hope it helps