

Determine an equation of a perpendicular line but with the same y intercept

Open bracket

A linear equation is represented with:


By comparison:

So, the slope of
is m
Because the new line is perpendicular to
, the relationship between their slopes is:

slope of the first equation
slope of the second equation
Substitute m for

Hence, the slope of the new equation is: 
From the question, we understand that they have the same y intercept.
So, the equation of the new equation is:

The U.S. has more than 87,000 dams greater than six feet high (and two million overall). While many dams continue to provide benefits such as flood control, irrigation, and water supply, for other dams the cost of maintenance or the negative effects on communities, fish, and tribes justifies their removal.
Dam owners and regulators decide whether to remove a dam by weighing many factors including: the cost of removal and the ability to replace any lost power generation against avoided long-term maintenance; safety concerns; benefits to endangered fish populations; increased recreational and commercial fishing; and restoration of cultural values of nearby tribes.
By 2020, roughly 70% of dams will be more than 50 years old, inviting us to reconsider the value to the public of long-term investments in this infrastructure.
Five common energy sources are
1. Coal and Petroleum
2. Nuclear energy
3. Geothermal power
4. Solar
5. Wind
conservation of energy is very important in current situation of energy crisis. Efficient utilization of energy sources must be one of the top priority of nations.
1. Procurement of alternate sources of energies to reduce dependence on convectional sources of energies.
2.vehicle running on electric and hydrogen fuels should developed so that sources of coal and petroleum are conserved.
3. Production of solar and wind energies should be on large scale so that their cost become cheaper and available for common people
C) They believed Earth to be much younger than current estimates.
- The proponents of the 18 and the 17th centuries believed that the earth was shaped by a strong and a violent forces such as the erosion that created the earth's geologic features and had a recent origin.