State: California
City: New York City
The USA<span> is slightly </span>larger<span>. If all of </span>China's<span> claims for territories are included, </span>China<span> is </span>larger<span>. If you just take mainland </span>China<span> and the lower 48 states, </span>China<span> is </span>bigger<span>.</span>
A high pressure area is an area where the air sinks. As it does, it warms up by the adiabatic effect of a greater pressure and that causes the clouds to evaporate, giving place to a clear sky
<span>Because he had ideas way ahead of his time. He had many gifts and abilities. He was an artist, inventor, scientist etc. For example, he did many sketches of machines that looked like inventions made a few centuries later:flying machine, tank, helicopter. He also drew detailed images pf some of the first autopsies to document biological anatomy.