The proposed civil rights legislation of 1968 expanded on and was intended as a follow-up to the historic Civil Rights Act of 1964. The bill's original goal was to extend federal protection to civil rights workers, but it was eventually expanded to address racial discrimination in housing.
It was a the turning point in the war.He had three main purposes: To bring the country (especially the North) together, when it was divided by different views of the war, to reiterate his view of the purpose of the United States and to provide a direction for the future 'soul' of the United State
The correct answer is letter B
Freedom of speech the guarantee guaranteed to any individual to express, seek and receive ideas and information of all kinds, with or without the intervention of third parties, through oral, written, artistic or any other means of communication. The principle of freedom of expression must be protected by the constitution of a democracy, preventing the legislative and executive branches of the government from imposing censorship.
A free and open debate on fundamental national issues generates positive considerations about the best strategy to be adopted in solving the problems of that community. For this reason, the existence of democracy and an educated and well-informed civil society whose access to information allows it to participate in public life, strengthening public institutions with its influence, is fundamental. This is where freedom of expression comes in, as it provides the community with a wide range of ideas, data and opinions free of censorship, which can be evaluated, and possibly embraced. For a free people to govern themselves, they must be free to express themselves, openly, publicly and repeatedly; orally or in writing.
The ratification process started when the Congress turned the Constitution over to the state legislatures for consideration through specially elected state conventions of the people. Five state conventions voted to approve the Constitution almost immediately (December 1787 to January 1788) and in all of them the vote was unanimous (Delaware, New Jersey, Georgia) or lopsided (Pennsylvania, Connecticut). Clearly, the well-organized Federalists began the contest in strong shape as they rapidly secured five of the nine states needed to make the Constitution law. The Constitution seemed to have easy, broad, and popular support.