Answer: Tommy's mother is filled with horror and she is trying to save her son from the viscous crowd who clearly mean to do harm. This could have an emotional effect on the viewer as it displays the mother's drive to save her son, a drive that all mothers have, not to mention the tensions and fears running high in this scenario.
Sorry I am not sure of the question
Answer: there is not equality in all communities.
The information presented in the book is credible.
"George's Secret Key to the Universe" is a children's book and features a group of children traveling through space and learning scientific concepts through portals and windows created by a highly technological and efficient computer. Although this plot is very fanciful and unrealistic, the book presents very credible scientific information, explaining in a childish but efficient way concepts like atoms, black holes, celestial bodies, planets, among others.
Pony boy observe that he does see and everyone has a motivation to fight except him. Pony boy fights for self-defense and to defend his family and gang, Darry fights just to brag about his muscles and Soda pop only join because he only matches for fun.
Hope this helps :) And the book is good