First, they imported a LOT of food from other parts of the empire. Rome is now built on the remains of Roman food packaging material: broken up pottery. Romans mainly lived on what is know as the mediterranean triangle: Wheat, wine and olive oil. Bread made up 70 to 80% of most of the Romans diet. Three kinds of food that are pretty easy to transport over longer distances. There were huge imports of grain from north Africa and Egypt. Rome lived on that grain. Wine and olive oil came from almost everywhere.
The statements that describe how Feudalism work is :
1. A lord would be given land by the king in return for homage or a promise to serve the king when called upon.
4. A vassal depended on the agricultural production of serfs to feed the whole system
5. A king would hire a vassal to provide an army and political advice during times of war
The compromises that were made at the convention involving the president and the Supreme Court were that some wanted Supreme Court to be picked by Senate and others wanted the president to pick the court. They then agreed it was president picked and confirmed by the Senate.
It (abolitionist) probably influenced the feminist movement due to the fact they got the rights they wanted just like the French revolution inspired the declaration of Independence.
Giant strides toward the creation of better feelings between the North and the South.