Cette balle de softball est nouvelle.
balle = une balle = feminine sing. word = cette
ballon = un ballon = masculine sing. word = ce ballon <em>(ball)</em>
homme / avion = masculine sing. word beginning with a mute "h" or a vowel = cet homme /cet avion
ces balles / ces ballons / ces hommes / ces avions = plural nouns fem. and masc. = ces
22. Nous n'_attendions __ pas les autres. Ils étaient déjà partis.(attendre/imparfait)
23. Je ne_sais _pas quand ils reviennent de vacances. (savoir/présent)
24. Comment connais_-tu les Gilles? (connaître/présent)
The macrophage looks like an amoeba and flows around the germ to take it into itself, there to be dissolved by certain chemicals or enzymes
this pic is really blur i can't see it sorey
Answer: For number 2. on the picture the verb manger is spelled mange
Explanation: For the verb manger (or in English it means to eat )
if the word Je (I) is in front of it, then spell it like mange.
With Tu (You) spell it like manges.
With Il/Elle (He/She) spell it like mange.
With Nous (We) spell it like mangeons.
With Vous (You) spell it like manges.
With Ils/Elles (They) spell it like mangent.
I hope this helps and with the other verbs I will edit this answer and include how to tell what they are as well :)