If the air temperature at sea level is 20 degrees Celsius, the temperature at 3000 meters will be approximately 7 degrees C.
Cays- they are formed when ocean currents transport loose sediments across a surface of a reef to a despositional node
Italy is surrounded by sea, meaning that there is always accessible trade routes through water. In earlier days, water trade routes became much more popular due to not having to travel through rough terrain. Therefore, the economy boosted as trade increased.
D) scandinavian peninsula
Q. 41. Basaltic Lava, Q.43. Basaltic magma Q.44. False
Basalt is a mafic extrusive igneous rock, formed by the rapid cooling of Mg and Fe rich lava, exposed at or near the surface of the earth. Thus forming about 90% of the surface lava on earth.
Shield Volcanoes emit lava or magma in the form of viscous basaltic lava. Highly explosive.
Greenland and Antarctica together constitute the 99% of the earth ice caps so, Greenland has about 80% cover as compared to antarctic 98% and both are depleting fast.