Reading informational text allows students to develop sophisticated comprehension skills, build critical content knowledge and vocabulary, and apply higher-order thinking skills. Challenging informational text may require scaffolding and teaching new reading strategies so students can access the text
Today there is an abundance of high-quality informational text for teachers and ... can be used to promote understanding and enjoyment of informational texts. ... Before reading, it's important to introduce new vocabulary and activate prior ... What do you expect to read about if these words are in the book or selection?
“[A]sk not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.”
The title of my dish will be "A Beautiful Voice"
In the poem, "A Happy Home", the author uses a metaphor to describe the characteristics of a joyful family. He used the following Ingredients in describing the joyful family; 4 cups of Love, 2 cups of Loyalty, 3 cups of Forgiveness, 1 cup of Friendship, 5 spoons of Hope, 2 spoons of Tenderness, 4 quarters of Faith,
However, in creating my metaphor, the title of my dish will be "A Beautiful Voice"
My ingredients are
4 cups of Calm,
2 cups of friendship,
3 cups of vibration,
5 cups of accuracy,
5 cups of audible,
4 cups of clarity,
3 cups of strong,
4 cups of attractiveness,
5 cups of communicable.
Mix calm and accuracy thoroughly with audible and blend it well with clarity and communicable. Then add vibrating and sweetness to it. Garnish it with friendship. Serve it with love and attractiveness.
The reason I add these three ingredients; calm, attractiveness and accuracy is that a beautiful voice must be calm so that the listeners and audience can understand the voice, it must also be attractive to people to enjoy it and the vowels and sound must be clear and accurate for the listeners to understand the lyrics because if the voice is not accurate, the listeners would not get the sound and would not enjoy the voice.
Explanatio hey
Car manufacturers use radiation for which task?