La abeja haragana gana la prueba. Las guardianas dejan que la abeja haragana entre en la colmena, pero le advierten que será la
última vez. Una culebra le anuncia que la va a devorar. Las guardianas dejan pasar a la abeja que ya no es haragana. La abeja promete cambiar, pero no lo cumple. La culebra hace su prueba con éxito. La abeja regresa a la colmena después de pasar la noche afuera. Las guardianas le prohíben entrar en la colmena. La culebra le propone hacer dos pruebas. La abeja cae por un hueco dentro de una caverna.
The lazy bee wins the test. The guardians let the lazy bee enter the hive, but they warn her that it will be the last time. A snake announces that he is going to devour her. The guardians let the bee pass that is no longer lazy. The bee promises to change, but does not comply. The snake makes its test successfully. The bee returns to the hive after spending the night outside. The guards prohibit him from entering the hive. The snake proposes you to do two tests. The bee falls through a hole inside a cave.
What is the man doing? The man is swimming in the pool. The man is doing cycling in the pool. Man is hiking in the pool. The man is running in the pool.