In C++:
int PrintInBinary(int num){
if (num == 0)
return 0;
return (num % 2 + 10 * PrintInBinary(num / 2));
This defines the PrintInBinary function
int PrintInBinary(int num){
This returns 0 is num is 0 or num has been reduced to 0
<em> if (num == 0) </em>
<em> return 0; </em>
If otherwise, see below for further explanation
<em> else
<em> return (num % 2 + 10 * PrintInBinary(num / 2));
num % 2 + 10 * PrintInBinary(num / 2)
The above can be split into:
num % 2 and + 10 * PrintInBinary(num / 2)
Assume num is 35.
num % 2 = 1
10 * PrintInBinary(num / 2) => 10 * PrintInBinary(17)
17 will be passed to the function (recursively).
This process will continue until num is 0
A microprocessor can directly process machine code but most programmers almost never write in it.
C. Machine code
The main reason to set a field size in access is to limit the lengths of value in the table.
Field size determines the limits or determines the maximum of text that can be input in the text or number field. Also, it may reduce data entry errors in changing the field size in access.