a. remote forest on a stormy night
Answer: The problem with projective tests is that they lack validity and reliability, the two critical aspects of any psychological assessment. Reliability refers to how consistent the results of a given test are: a test that is reliable will yield the same results time and time again
1 - Non- fiction
2. summarizing
3. Title
4. Main idea
5. Infer
6. Compare
7. Contrast
8. Author
Author - the person who wrote the article or text.
Contrast - to tell how things are different.
Compare - to tell how things are alike.
Infer - to use information the author has given you plus your prior
knowledge to find the meaning of the text.
Main idea - what the text is mostly about.
Title - the name of the article or text
Summarizing - to make a brief statement about the essential ideas in a text
Non-fiction - writing that concerns real events and is intended to explain,
inform, persuade, or give directions.